Occasionally we partner with organizations whose goals are synergistic with our own -- providing an environment for information and collegial exchange among academicians via the Internet. Our partner organizations receive a discount on our advertising packages in exchange for promoting Academic Keys within their organization or to their members. If you are a member of an organization and are interested in exploring a joint partnership, please contact us at: EmailUs@AcademicKeys.com
To use your Partner Discount ID, select the posting option that best meets your needs and then input the Academic Keys Partner Discount ID your organization has provided you. Which package you choose depends on the number of openings for which you wish to advertise and whether or not you would like these announcements included in our e-Fliers. Clicking on any of the post options gives a detailed description of these options. Once you select a package and input your Partner Discount ID, the discount will be applied to the post option that you select.